Service:+49 371 43110-0


Step by step into your future

Using the latest technology, we accompany our customers’ products from the idea to series production. As a trustworthy partner to industry, we design innovative and efficient tools and thus produce precise and precisely fitting components. We manufacture springs from wire and strip, stamped-bent parts and assemblies for well-known companies in the automotive, mechanical and electrical engineering industries with a consistently high quality. Work with the best the market has to offer – the employees of CEFEG GmbH and become part of our success story.

What we offer you

  • A future-proof profession
  • Exciting and variable tasks
  • Training at state-of-the-art high-tech machines
  • We promote and perfect your craftsmanship skills
  • Very good development opportunities
  • Experienced trainers with a passion for their profession and a great deal of specialist knowledge
  • Opportunities for personal further training
  • We are a motivated team, which will support you at any time.
  • Pleasant and friendly working atmosphere
  • From yoga to a healthy eating: everything within the framework of our health management system – External activities, such as soccer and volleyball tournaments, or Participation in the company run


Industrial clerk (m/f/d)

Cutting machine operator (m/f/d)

Tool mechanic in the field of stamping and forming technology (m/f/d)


Zur Zeit haben wir keine freien Stellen. Ihre überzeugende Initiativbewerbung könnte uns umstimmen!

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